Usually, when we write about risk management, we talk about money. Lots of risk has to do with money, so that makes sense. But there's something lost, as well. This occurred to me this morning:
Death is the only promise we have in this life. Many religions make promises about life after, but I'm talking about this life, death is the only promise we have in this life. Some say taxes are promised, but even governments fall. I tell you three times: Death is the only promise we have in this life. To paraphrase Freddy Mercury, "Who dares to love, when love must die?"
And yet, who does not love?
As terrible as the price of love is, the price of not loving is greater still. That, my friends, is also risk management.
This, incidentally, touches on why my posting here has slowed a bit of late -- work's picked up a bit, and that time has to come from somewhere. Part of my risk management is taking as little of that time from my loved ones as possible.
I hope you enjoyed your Beltane or May Day or what have you as much as I've enjoyed mine.
23 hours ago